Q: What are the opening hours?
A: The Day Centre opens 9.00am till 4.00pm

Q: Can my relative be collected and returned home?
A: We provide transport to and from Day Care, the staff make sure the home is safe before going and on return will make sure the Service User is safely in the property before the bus will depart.

Q: Is there a specific catchment area?
A: The Day Centre covers the Touch area, Brucefield area, Garvock, all of Abbeyview and Pitcorthie.

Q: Can anyone attend day care?
A: Our criteria for a place in Day Care are: housebound, suffering from dementia, mental health problems, stroke, mobility problems,sight or hearing problems etc.

Q: How do I get a place?
A:You can self-refer or the social work department or NHS can refer you. Anyone can call the Day Centre if they feel it would be of a benefit to the person.

Q: What kind of food is provided?
A: We have a varied menu, there is always soup a choice of 6 main courses and two puddings. The cook will always try meet any specific dietary needs.

Q: What kind of activities do people do at the day centre and if I don't like it, do I have to join in?
A: We do a wide range of mental and physically stimulating activities. this could be from a game of carpet bowls to a game of bingo or a quiz. You have the choice to join in with everything all we ask is that you give it a try.

Q: How much does it cost to attend Abbeyview Day Centre, and how do we pay?
A: There is a charge as we are a charity, this charge is £10 per day. This covers transport, your lunch, all teas and coffees/snacks and activities. You will be invoiced at the at beginning of the month and we look for this to be paid during the first week of the month. There is a retainer fee of £3 - this holds your place if you are absent from Day Care at any time.

Q: I would like to volunteer to work with older people. What are the openings for this at Abbeyview Day Centre?
A: As we are a charity and only have 7 paid staff we do rely on Volunteers. If this is something you would be interested in doing all you need to do is call up or pop in to speak to manager.

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