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We aim to provide care, support, mental and physical activity, and companionship for older people who would otherwise be unable to leave their home. Loneliness is a problem for many older people and our service helps people to remain at home as part of their own community.
We also aim to support family carers - mainly through the service we provide for older people, but also through a monthly carers' support group for those who are interested.
Abbeyview Day Centre
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Abbeyview Day Centre

is a purpose-built day centre in the south-eastern part of Dunfermline (see map).
We provide daytime care and activities for up to 15 frail older people, five days a week. We have charitable status and are run by a management committee.

Fife Council gives us a grant each year and we raise funds to pay other expenses.

The Manager is Isa Beveridge (photo) and we employ three care staff, two kitchen staff and a driver. We also have a number of volunteers who do different jobs to keep the service running well, and we could not function without them.
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